Rebound Program

Student Success Center

Rebound Program

Rebound is a program to support students who are on Academic Notice because their cumulative GPA is below 2.0 and they are not making progress toward course and degree completion. Participating in Rebound means access to your own Rebound Success Coach, and monitored progress and support including services like tutoring, workshops, and academic coaching, and meetings with multiple campus staff available to offer guidance and direction as needed. Students who participate in rebound are more likely to bring their cumulative GPA above 2.0 to restore their Good Academic Standing and take advantage of support services that help improve their academic habits and related skillsets.

SUNY Niagara students are expected to remain in Good Academic Standing at the end of each term (fall, winter, spring, and summer). The College’s academic standards are designed to assist students in achieving their educational goals. Overall, students are expected to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to remain in Good Academic Standing. Students who do not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 will be placed on Academic Notice. Students on Academic Notice participate in the Rebound Program. Students will return to good academic standing once they have achieved the following:

  • Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • Utilize Student Success Support resources for a minimum of 10 hours.*
*If a student is placed on Academic Notice for multiple semesters, hours of Student Success Support earned in a previous semester will not carry over to another semester.   Students can apply for a waiver to the 15 credit limitation and 10 hour Rebound Program requirement by completing the “Credit Hours Max/10 Hours Waiver Form.” In addition to the Rebound Program, students on Academic Notice are encouraged to utilize the numerous supportive services available at SUNY Niagara and meet with their advisor to discuss their academic progress. For a list of additional support services (such as The Student Success Center) please click here. Students’ academic standing will be reviewed by the office of Academic Affairs on a semester-by-semester basis.

Student Success Support resources assist students with developing their academic and other related skills that support academic success. While 10 hours may seem daunting, we do not expect you complete these hours all at once. There are 15 weeks in each semester, so spending an hour each week utilizing Student Success Support resources will get you there in no time!

You have many options for completing the Student Success Support requirement. These are:

  1. In-Person/Online Tutoring. If you need assistance in a class, you can meet with a tutor from the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) or Star-NY. To book a tutor:
  2. Studying or doing homework at the Academic Center for Excellence. Make sure you swipe in and out with your student ID when you enter and exit the Center so your time there will be logged. Please note that you must remain in ACE (not the library) during this time in order to get credit for these hours.
  3. Academic check-ins with your Success Coach (Nick). We can discuss how your classes are going, any challenges you are facing, and resources to help with those challenges. Call 716-614-6290 to make an appointment.
  4. Online Learning Instruction with Glory Fox. This is technology and academic support for students in online learning and Digital Learning Environment (DLE), Brightspace. You can schedule an appointment calling 716-614-6488.
  5. Building Our Students’ Success (BOSS) – These are development and learning courses you can complete online covering topics such as note-taking, computer skills, time management, and study strategies. You can access these modules in your Brightspace account.
  6. Athletic Team Study Halls
  7. Science Lab Study Halls

For further information on the Rebound Program, please contact:

Staff and Student Meeting Student with SUNY Niagara Staff students studying

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