Staff outside Student Success Center


Guidance and Support

Through the advisement process, the advisor offers both advice and direction toward the realization of the student’s personal goals and the enhancement of the overall college experience.

Academic advisement is a professional complement to the teaching functions of the faculty at SUNY Niagara. Faculty is the primary agent in delivering academic advisement. They assist students with appropriate course selection from their chosen field of study and serve as resource persons to guide students to other services available at the College.

The Role of Academic Advisors in Planning and Career Guidance

Academic planning involves complex decisions that take into consideration student individuality, interests, abilities, study habits, and academic and career goals. It requires the guidance of a knowledgeable advisor who provides accurate information on academic policies, procedures, and curricular requirements.

Career Services
Career Services

Transfer and Career Opportunities

Additionally, Academic Advisors help students gather information regarding transfer to upper-division schools and career opportunities. Students interested in our Dual Admission program or in transfer information can gather information from their assigned Academic Advisor. Students may also contact the Student Success Center to set up an appointment for an Academic Counseling session to discuss their options.

Career Services
Career Services
SUNY Niagara Learning Commons Photo during sunset with the sun reflecting off of the windows


SUNY Niagara Learning Commons Photo during sunset with the sun reflecting off of the windows