Public Safety


In the event of fire, smoke, smoke odor, natural gas leak, biological hazard, or upon receiving a bomb or disaster threat, recipient of such information will contact the Public Safety Department by calling extension 555 or 614-6400. If Public Safety cannot be contacted, call 911 then the Presidents complex at 614-5905. If there is an obvious fire, use the closest emergency pull station to sound the evacuation alarm.

The SUNY Niagara Public Safety Department will either evacuate the complex or follow the predetermined procedures for the specific type of emergency. The evacuation will take place by activating the fire alarm system. All occupants of the campus must evacuate when the alarm is sounding in the building they are in.

  • Do not evacuate to the East side of campus, near the boiler room.
  • Evacuating personnel should leave all lights on and close – but – not lock doors.
  • Evacuated personnel will always move themselves 100 yards from the College buildings, taking care not to block entrance ways, driveways, or fire lanes.

If an object is discovered, its not to be removed or examined. Personnel making such a discovery should immediately contact Public Safety at 614-6400 or ext. 555 or by using the outside emergency phones. When the Public Safety Department and/or local law enforcement give the “all clear”, an announcement will be made over the campus PA system. Public Safety and Operations personal will assist in instructing students and employees to return.


  • We can be reached by calling: 614-6400 from an off campus line.
  • Calling extension, 555 or 6400 from on-campus Sanborn phones or ext 2555 from NFCI phones.
  • Blue phones on the Sanborn Campus by lifting receiver
  • Blue phones outside the Student Housing Village by pressing button
  • By reporting directly to our offices; Sanborn Campus – G-106, NFCI Office – Reception