Public Safety

Public Safety Crime Log

Daily Crime Log

The Daily Crime Log is updated on a daily basis. It provides details about crimes that have been reported to the SUNY Niagara Public Safety Department. Crime logs are listed in chronological order with the most recent occurrences located at the bottom of the list for each month. Hard copies of the Crime Log are available in the Student Center, Public Safety Department, G-106, during normal business hours.

Entries that start with a case number “NA” involve information received from college administrators that do not work for SUNY Niagara Public Safety but who are defined by federal law as Campus Security Authorities. These administrators share non-identifying information, with Public Safety that is provided by the victim. In these incidents, the victim did not file official police reports and it is therefore not always possible to provide information regarding the five areas typically covered in the crime log (i.e. Nature/Classification, Date Reported, Date Occurred, Time, General Location, Off Campus (Y or N), Disposition). Since an official report was not filed, no disposition is listed. These incidents are reported to SUNY Niagara Public Safety for statistical purposes and are not posted to the Crime Log when the information is received by SUNY Niagara Public Safety.

For all other cases, the disposition of the case is listed. The disposition of the case provides information about the current status of a case or investigation. Visit our glossary for a complete definition of Crime Log dispositions.

According to Federal Law, an institution may withhold any of the required fields of entry, i.e. the nature, date, time, location, and/or disposition if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. The disclosure is prohibited by law
  2. If the disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim
  3. If disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual
  4. If the disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection
  5. If disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence
SUNY Niagara Learning Commons Photo during sunset with the sun reflecting off of the windows


  • We can be reached by calling: 614-6400 from an off campus line.
  • Calling extension, 555 or 6400 from on-campus Sanborn phones or ext 2555 from NFCI phones.
  • Blue phones on the Sanborn Campus by lifting receiver
  • Blue phones outside the Student Housing Village by pressing button
  • By reporting directly to our offices; Sanborn Campus – G-106, NFCI Office – Reception
SUNY Niagara Learning Commons Photo during sunset with the sun reflecting off of the windows