Course Repetition and Grade Policy
Students may repeat a course in an attempt to improve their grades. All grades will appear on the transcript.
The most recent grade recorded will be the official grade earned, whether it is higher or lower than the original grade, and will be the grade used to compute the degree and cumulative grade-point average. NOTE: A U grade may not replace an F grade.
However, if a student earns a failing grade (F or U grade) in the repeated attempt, the student may petition the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval to restore an original performance grade. This action must be initiated by the student in a letter of request prior to the end of the subsequent semester. If the most recent grade is a nonprogress grade (I, J, X, or W grade), the original grade will be used in grade point calculations. All original grades will remain on the transcript even if the student withdraws or fails to complete the repeated course (I, X, or W grade).
Students who elect to transfer should be aware that the transfer institution may not accept the repeated grade.
While a student may repeat a course at another college, only a course taken at SUNY Niagara will be used to compute the SUNY Niagara grade-point average (GPA). Courses repeated after graduation will not change the degree GPA achieved at graduation.
Students who elect to repeat a course for which credit has already been earned should be aware of the financial aid implications. Students should discuss their situation with the Financial Aid Office regarding the consequences as they pertain to the financial aid rules currently in effect.
Students in the practical nursing, physical therapist assistant, radiologic technology and surgical technology programs may be required to repeat biology and/or major core courses(s) in which they earned an A through C grade more than five years before enrolling in a subsequent course. See the appropriate major page in this catalog for the Five-Year Course Policy for nursing, physical therapist assistant, practical nursing, radiologic technology, or surgical technology.
- Advisement Questions:
- Phone: 716-614-6290
- Email:
- Location: D-102
- Records Questions:
- Phone: 716-614-6250
- Email:
- Location: A-161 Notar Admin Bldg
- Transferring Credits into SUNY Niagara & Transfer Credit Evaluation Questions:
- Phone: 716-614-6250
- Email:
- Fax: 716-614-6820
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm