Horticulture student

Cannabis Curriculum

Horticulture Certificate and AAS Degree

Cannabis Curriculum

Program Summary

Established in 1979, the mission of the SUNY Niagara Horticulture program is to prepare students for employment in the green industry by engaging them in the art and science of plants. With an emphasis on sustainable horticultural techniques, the latest scientific research and best management practices, the SUNY Niagara Horticulture program provides students with the knowledge, skills and field experience necessary to excel in their careers and build a greener community. Coursework is based on real-world projects similar to those professionals encounter in the industry. With both theory and practical hands-on experience, students are introduced to the techniques and processes of the industry using various formats, professional tools and equipment. Field trips, externships and collaborative activities with businesses and trade associations provide students with educational and networking opportunities with the owners, managers and employees of local industry leaders. Job Placement assistance is available.

About the Cannabis Curriculum

Graduates of the Horticulture program with an emphasis in cannabis will be fully prepared for a variety of careers in the industry including as master growers, cultivators, propagators, pest management specialists, operations managers, postharvest technicians, production managers, and quality control technicians. They will be able to work efficiently and safely while utilizing the latest research and techniques to positively contribute to business operations.

Cannabis Curriculum Includes

All required classes from the Horticulture AAS or certificate programs, such as:

  • Advanced First Aid & CPR
  • Business Management
  • Externship
  • Plant Biology
  • Soil Science
  • Plant Protection (Integrated Pest Management) includes NYS 30-Hour Pesticide Applicator Training Certificate
9-15 credits of Horticulture electives selected from:
  • Cannabis: Society, Policy, and Compliance
  • Cannabis Biology
  • Cannabis Pest Management
  • Cannabis Production
  • Cannabis Products & Technologies
  • Culinary Cannabis and Edibles
  • Greenhouse Management
  • Introduction to Cannabis Biochemistry
  • Medical Applications of Cannabis

Online Learning Available:

Cannabis courses are offered in two modalities:
  1. Face-to-Face on Campus
  2. Asynchronous Web-Based

Workforce Development

Cannabis-based courses can also be taken on a non-credit/non-degree basis through the SUNY Niagara Office of Workforce Development.


SUNY-Approved Microcredentials are available in Cannabis Cultivation, Cannabis Manufacturing & Processing, and Cannabis Business. Microcredentials range from 11-13 total credits. View Cannabis Microcredentials

Senior Scholars

Seniors, aged 60+, can audit horticulture/cannabis courses for free. Melissa Moore

Program Contact

Melissa Moore Cannabis Instructor Horticulture Program Co-Coordinator Phone: 716-614-6413 Email: mmoore@niagaracc.suny.edu Location: C-257

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