🌸 Spring Open Houses 🌸 Sanborn Campus and the Niagara Falls Culinary Institute |

Learning Commons grand opening

Event Planning Tips

Public Relations and Event Management

Event Planning Tips

Start Planning Early

Be sure to send your requests to the Public Relations and Event Management department in order to secure your room confirmation(s) PRIOR to advertising, sending invitations, registering guests, ordering food, and any other event planning actions.

Prepare a Budget

When planning your event at SUNY Niagara, please work our rates and fees into your budget. Visit our rates page to estimate your costs and feel free to reach out to the SUNY Niagara Events Coordinator for a quote. The College can charge for facility rentals, labor and personnel, equipment, and food services depending on the requests for your event. General items such as tables, chairs, use of technology such as Smart classrooms, computers, projectors, speakers, and podiums are included in facility rental fees.

Visit our Sanborn Campus and Check Out Your Potential Space

Do you need a projector? A computer? Will you be setting up a registration table? Will you need access to electrical outlets? In order to complete your vision and accomplish your event goals, it is best to visit the potential space to make sure there are enough tables, desks, computers, and technology that match your requirements. Of course we can provide you with seating capacity and amenities in a given room, but it is always best to visit your space to get a “feel” for the room. If you would like to schedule a walk-through, please contact the Event Coordinator at events@niagaracc.suny.edu or 614-5974.


When planning your event, whether big or small, be sure to consider your guests’ and presentors’ experience. Plan enough room, tables, chairs, placement, technology needs, audio and visual requirements, access to electrical outlets, proximity to bathrooms, if you will need special equipment, food and beverage service (if applicable),sporting equipment, theatre effects. Do you have guests or presenters who require accessibility accommodations such as ramps, elevators, and adaptive technology? The earlier you let us know your set-up requirements, the better we can plan for our staff to perfectly prepare for your event.

Remain Flexible

On average, the SUNY Niagara Sanborn campus hosts over 1,400 internal and external events each year. We can resolve room conflicts, but that that means our guests should remain open to the idea of booking a different space if a given room is already reserved. Remember, our campus’ priority is to host our students and academic classes. If your first request is not available because of a class or a previously scheduled event, please be ready with a plan “B.” We are also happy to suggest an alternative space and/or date.

Estimate Your Number of Guests- Including Presenters

A top priority for SUNY Niagara is to ensure the safety of every person on campus. In order to keep our community safe, it is important that we receive an accurate estimated number of attendees. SUNY Niagara schedules security and custodial staff to provide continuous coverage and maintenance services. Additionally, if you are ordering food and/or beverages through our Dining Services, it is important to provide enough refreshments for all in attendance.

Make a List and Check It Twice—or Three Times at Least

Did you advertise? Did you set goals for your event? Do you have enough people registered? Did you secure a room? Did you convey the set-up requirements needed? Did you contact Dining Services? Write down a list of people to contact, space or items to reserve or order, and what you will need the day of the event. Cross these items off as your complete each task and remain open to the idea of changing the items on that list.


When the dust settles after your last guest has left, take a few moments to think about your event. Jot down what worked, what needs improvement for your next event, if you had enough food, if the space was appropriate, and if the logistics were suitable for your needs. If possible, reach out to your guests with a short questionnaire or follow-up email for feedback before you plan your next event.


Phone: 716-614-5974 Fax: 716-614-6821 Email: events@niagaracc.suny.edu Location: A-201 Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00am – 4:00pm

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