Childhood Education

Education Programs

Understanding SUNY Niagara’s Education Programs

Explore the differences between SUNY Niagara’s education programs, including Childhood Education (A.S.), Teacher Assistant (Certificate), TESOL (A.A.), and Early Childhood Studies (Certificate). Learn about the career paths, grade levels, and degree requirements for each program to find the best fit for your future in education.

Academic ProgramTypes of Jobs in this careerGrades/ Age GroupsRequires a 4 yr. Degree (Bachelor’s)Description
Childhood Education, Grades 1-6th EDCJ
Elementary School Teacher in Grades 1st through 6th
Grade in a Public or Private school
Elementary Age
Grades 1- 6th Grade
YESGraduates of SUNY Niagara’s Childhood Education program can
transfer to Buffalo State University for a Bachelor of Science degree, qualifying them to teach grades 1-6 in New York State, with options for Early Childhood or Special Education certifications. The program offers small classes, personalized faculty attention, about 60 hours of
elementary classroom field placement, and relevant coursework in liberal arts and sciences.
Teacher Assistant (Certificate)Teacher Assistant Teacher Aide
Child Care BOCES
Kindergarten- High School*NO
* Potentially, depending on employer
This two-semester program is for aspiring Level III teaching assistants, including those with no classroom experience, current teaching aides, and Level I and II teaching assistants. It prepares graduates with the knowledge and skills needed for employment as teaching assistants in childhood education.
*Certification is obtained through passing the NYS ATAS exam
Teaching English to Speakers if
Other Languages
Teacher in a Public/Private School
ESL Instructor
Adult ESL Teacher
Kindergarten- High SchoolYESThe TESOL Jointly Registered degree program prepares students to transfer to Niagara University’s baccalaureate program and become
certified to teach English to Speakers of Other Languages in grades K- 12.
Early Childhood Studies
Daycare, Preschool,
Early Head Start Head Start, UPK Child Care Center,
Family Day Care
Birth to School-agedNOThis 31-credit certificate program provides a strong foundation in early childhood education, increasing retention and support in the field. Students pursuing the Child Development Associate credential must document their learning in a CDA® professional portfolio.
A person with an early childhood studies certificate can pursue careers such as after school teacher, childcare director, preschool teacher,
family day care provider, and social and human services assistant.
Academic ProgramRequires a NYS Teaching
Field Placement RequirementsMust Complete
Additional Exams After
Recommended / Required Workshops before Employment
Childhood Education, Grades 1-6th EDCJ
100 total hours
(60 hours
fulfilled at SUNY Niagara)
Must pass the New York State EAS and CST exams and complete your
bachelor’s degree
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Child Abuse Identification
School Violence Intervention & Prevention
Fingerprint Clearances
Teacher Assistant (Certificate)NOYES
20 hours
Must take the NYS ATAS exam & meet employment requirements to receive your TA Certification
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Child Abuse Identification
School Violence Intervention & Prevention
Fingerprint Clearances
Teaching English to Speakers if Other Languages
100 total hours
(60 hours
fulfilled at SUNY Niagara)
Must pass the New York State EAS and CST exams and complete your
bachelor’s degree
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Child Abuse Identification
School Violence Intervention & Prevention
Fingerprint Clearances
Early Childhood Studies
135 hours
Professional Portfolio
* Potentially additional requirements, depending on employer
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Child Abuse Identification
School Violence Intervention & Prevention
Fingerprint Clearances
SUNY Niagara Learning Commons Photo during sunset with the sun reflecting off of the windows


SUNY Niagara Learning Commons Photo during sunset with the sun reflecting off of the windows