Career & Transitional Services
This department brings together multiple services that support students throughout their time at SUNY Niagara and beyond.
Mapping Opportunities for Single Parents
SUNY Niagara offers academic and career services to single mothers and fathers who are enrolled in a degree and certificate programs, as well as in non-credit Workforce Development programs. Our goal is to improve the retention and graduation rates of students who are parents and to help them find employment that offers family-sustaining wages. If you are enrolled or are planning to enroll in a degree or certificate program at SUNY Niagara, this may be the program for you!You can expect:
- Personalized assistance from Success Coach
- Ongoing Academic Assistance
- Advocacy and Support Groups
- Access to college and community referrals
- Developing time and stress management strategies
- Learning your best study skills
- Improving your financial literacy
- Workshops available all semester
- Expert Guidance with your Resume, Cover letter, Interview Techniques, Job Search, and Job Placement!
- And much, much more!