group of students
Student on computer in classroom
Student on computer in classroom
Empowering Self-Advocacy

About Us

Accessibility Services (AS) staff work to assist all qualified students with disabilities at SUNY Niagara in the pursuit of their educational objectives.  Our goal is to support and empower you in your quest to become your own self-advocate.

Accessibility Services is a National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) voter registration site. 

Student on computer in classroom
Student on computer in classroom
Student taking class on laptop at home
Student taking class on laptop at home
Promoting Inclusion and Independence

Our Mission

The mission of Accessibility Services at SUNY Niagara is to provide reasonable academic adjustments and related services to qualified students with disabilities in the most inclusive setting possible and to enhance student independence while promoting self-advocacy in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the American with Disabilities Amendments Act.

Student taking class on laptop at home
Student taking class on laptop at home

Schedule A Test

The AS Office utilizes an electronic form for students to reserve a seat in the Testing Center. We request students complete a form 3 business days before a test.


Testing Center & Accessibility Services