Faculty Resource Center for Academic Excellence
Educational Links
FRCAE has a collection of books and media that cover many relevant teaching topics, student learning, assessment, engagement, retention, and diversity which can be searched through the Lewis Library website. If you select Advanced Search and then limit your location to Faculty Resource Center, you can search the holdings located in the Center.
- SUNY Niagara Online Learning Academic Integrity and Identification Process – https://original-website-copy.local/onlinelearning/integrity-and-verification/
- SUNY Niagara Student Code of Conduct Handbook – https://original-website-copy.local/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Studentcodofconduct202425FINAL.pdf
- AI Bots: Teaching Resources: https://www.stonybrook.edu/celt/teaching-resources/aibot.php
- Turnitin: SUNY Niagara has a Turnitin License that you can turn on in Brightspace assignments to ensure original student work. You turn this feature on when creating the assignments in edit mode in Brightspace. Turnitin does have AI detection capability.
Internet Resources for Higher Education Outcomes Assessment
Includes general resources, handbooks, assessment of specific skills or content, links to individual institutions assessment pages, accrediting bodies and student assessment of courses and faculty. https://www2.acs.ncsu.edu/upa/assmt/resource.htmAssessment Forum, American Association of Higher Education and Accreditation
This site includes assessment resources, readings, discussion lists, and assessment websites. https://www.aahea.org/Assessment Information from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
This site includes classroom assessment techniques, learning in the active voice, assessment versus grades, group work assessment, and other useful assessment links. https://www.siue.edu/provost/assessment/index.shtml
Case Study Use in the Classroom
The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science at the University of Buffalo database of case studies in Sciences. https://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/
Center for Instructional Development
Inclusive Teaching Resources- The Center for Instructional Development and Research of University of Washington offers teaching strategies, resources, and tools. https://washington.edu/teaching/
Getting Permission
The University of Texas outlines how you get copyright permission and links you to websites to gain copyright permission. https://guides.lib.utexas.edu/copyright/permission
The Critical Thinking Community
The Foundation and Center for Critical Thinking aim to improve education in colleges, universities, and primary through secondary schools. We present publications, conferences, workshops, and professional development programs, emphasizing instructional strategies, Socratic questioning, critical reading and writing, higher-order thinking, assessment, research, quality enhancement, and competency standards. https://www.criticalthinking.org/Center for Critical Thinking
A brief summary of the universal standards to assess the basic elements of thought. https://people.uwec.edu/ivogeler/critical.htm
The IDEA Center
This is the website of the IDEA Center Resources. Best practices and specialized papers to guide in the improvement of teaching are available as well as research and guides to support the use of its evaluation Tool–the IDEA form. https://www.theideacenter.org/
VARK- A guide to Learning Styles
Visual Aware Read/Route Kinesthetic – a guide to learning styles inventory includes questionnaires, help sheets, and advice for teachers. It was developed by Neil Fleming of Lincoln University in New Zealand. https://vark-learn.com/Learning to Learn Website
Includes: Assessing your learning styles, multiple intelligence inventory thinking styles inventory, teaching styles inventory-scoring tool, learning styles inventory, and tests on the web learning styles links are also given. https://www.learningtolearn.com/
Multimedia Online dictionary and search engine encyclopedia for computer and Internet technology. https://www.webopedia.com/
Teaching Tips Index Honolulu Community College
An excellent resource of teaching ideas including icebreakers, the first day of class ideas to increase student retention. https://www.honolulu.hawaii.edu/facdev/Classroom Strategies for Fostering Student Retention Center for Teaching Excellence Lansing Community College
https://www.lcc.edu/cte/pdf/studentretention/studentretention.pdfOn Course
You will find many resources at this site to support your efforts for improving student academic success and retention on your campus. https://college.cengage.com/collegesurvival/downing/on_course/5e/resources.htmlTeaching Materials Online
Resources for Learning and Online Teaching
Offers Multimedia resources for teachers in higher education in almost all academic disciplines. Each resource is reviewed by a team of discipline-specific selected educators. If you are looking for simulations, video, virtual field trips, and a variety of other multimedia, MERLOT is an excellent resource. Most activities provide instructional activities and ideas for your use. https://merlot.org/Home.po
Teaching with Excellence
A Berkeley Compendium of Suggestions for Teaching with Excellence https://haas.berkeley.edu/cte/Professional Organization Development Network (POD)
University of Maryland Alternatives to traditional teaching methods and learning strategies include student-teacher relationships, defining and characterizing teaching, and motivating students. https://www.cte.umd.edu/Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
Apple Classroom
Classroom turns your iPad into a powerful teaching assistant, helping you guide students through a lesson, see their progress, and keep them on track. With Classroom, you can easily launch the same app on every student’s iPad at the same time or launch a different app for each group of students. The classroom helps teachers focus on teaching, so students can focus on learning. Assign Shared iPads to students https://apps.apple.com/us/app/classroom/id1085319084